Dave Fowler Leads with Excellence in Post-Construction Cleaning Services by Achieving OSHA 30, CPR, and First Aid Certifications

When OnPoint employees go above and beyond to care for their teammates and to provide the highest level of service to our customers, we like to recognize and celebrate their achievements. In that spirit, today we honor our long-time employee and Area Manager, Dave Fowler. Dave recently completed the OSHA 30-Hour training course, increasing his knowledge about how to manage workplace safety and health risks, especially in our post-construction cleaning jobs. Topics covered in OSHA 30 training include general worksite safety, how to avoid common hazards and help protect teammates from potential injuries, workers’ rights, employer responsibilities and more. This knowledge, along with his certification in CPR and First Aid, equips Dave to exude our core value of servant leadership, caring for his team and empowering them to become more proactive about their own safety and that of their fellow employees.

Dave has been an Area Manager for OnPoint since October of 2021 and worked for Davis Professional Services for six years before that, as a cleaner, zone supervisor and area manager. Dave manages OnPoint’s largest commercial post-construction cleaning jobs and all cleaning throughout North Carolina. 

“Dave is customer-driven, detail-oriented and efficient. He always has our customers’ best interest in mind.” said Chris Isaac, OnPoint Project manager with 29 years of industry experience. “At OnPoint we take pride in knowing we are looking out for ways to keep our employees safe while providing rough and final cleaning on construction jobs. We really value our team and we are thankful to Dave for taking on this task.”

“Many of our large commercial construction customers have extremely complicated logistics around the timelines and requirements for their projects.  They need commercial cleaning subcontractors that can provide enough labor, adjust on the fly to changing schedules, and adapt to their needs on short notice.  After cleaning hundreds of thousands of square feet of post construction cleaning jobs, our team has learned to be a trusted partner for these sophisticated commercial construction companies.” said Blake Dozier, Director of Business Development and Co-Owner of OnPoint Building Services. “Dave Fowler is a perfect example of an OnPoint manager that our customers can count on to have their backs when a project gets complicated, and he makes us look professional on the job sites.”

OnPoint Building Services is a locally owned, full service janitorial company serving Virginia, North Carolina, and the Greater Washington DC / Baltimore region. With deep roots in the commercial building service contractor industry, OnPoint understands that clients deserve consistent service and reliable communication from their service providers—and that challenge excites us. Looking for a job? Click here! Looking for an estimate? Click here!